Finding Fitting and Smart Jeans

2 min read

It is important to wear jeans that sit well, whether you wear jeans that are useful for working at home, or wear jeans to be seen in public, and impress those who see them. If there was something like a universal adjustment table, then choosing the right jeans would be a matter of consultation with the table, but, unfortunately, it is not so simple.

Now adjusting jeans for men is almost as easy as looking at a chart.

Men’s jeans tend to be baggier than women’s, which makes them more lenient and the size of the crotch and waist on the label is usually accurate. A man can usually buy jeans without trying on them, unless he buys sex pants or skinny jeans, in which case it is recommended to try on.

It is a good idea to always try a new pair of jeans. Throw them as high as possible and sit on them. They should not join in, feel too tight, or allow their back side to peek. Go around them and make sure they feel comfortable and comfortable. After all, you will wear jeans for many hours during the day.

กางเกงยีนส์ชาย can always be folded if they are too long. Take them to a good tailor for a hem, but be sure to wash them at least once before doing this. Make sure the last piece of cut has been removed before they are bent. Ask the tailor to keep the original edge or at least duplicate it. The original hem retains the original appearance and style of jeans and usually contains abrasions and wear that give jeans some character.


Wash the jeans thoroughly for the first time; even wash them alone, because part of the dye may bleed. Follow the manufacturer’s care and washing instructions, which should be printed on the label. Before washing, it is best to turn the jeans over to protect them from fading and damage to special details such as embroidery.

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