Curriculum for primary ib school

2 min read

The primary school is for first to six years of 國際學校. The syllabus of the ibdp 學校 is designed such that the overall development of the students take place. The teaching material is prepared in both English as well as Chinese mandarin language and taught also in same language. As it is for young kids, the curriculum is taught in a simplified method.

The ratio of the languages Chinese and English in teaching has changed from 8:2 to 5:5 from lower to higher primary. It lays a strong foundation for Chinese and prepares the students to get acquainted for English language as well. This helps them to take secondary education and understand the curriculum of international school.

The curriculum includes compulsory courses:

The subjects include:國際學校

  • Language of instruction which is Chinese and English.
  • There is a third language too for study.
  • Mathematics
  • English and Chinese.
  • Science
  • Humanities
  • Dance, visual arts, music, information technology, drama, home economics.
  • Chess games, sports, martial arts.

For these subjects, summative as well as formative assessments are implemented. Diverse interests are developed by pupils of primary school and they develop an enthusiasm to explore and are getting training to get a decent awareness of time management, team co operation and self motivated learning. Primary school graduates will have to give exams at the school before they can enter the secondary school. Other courses includes farm visit, life skill classes, reading and kitchen workshop, tutoring classes, martial arts etc.

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