The annual returns of Hong Kong company, and limited liability companies HK must file for the annual returns to department of a Company Registry and Inland Revenue. The private company having the share capital must file the annual return once in every calendar year within Forty Two days after an anniversary of the date of incorporation. For any other companies, annual return must be filed in 42 days after date of annual general meeting or within 42days after date of written resolution gets passed with AGM together with original and certified copy of the audited accounts.
Annual registration fee is payable for the annual return services Hong Kong for different kinds of the local companies are:
- For the private company having the share capital, annual registration fee that is payable for annual return is around HK$105 if delivered within 42days after the recent anniversary of a date of the incorporation. Substantially the higher HK company registration fees will be payable if annual return isn’t submitted within prescribed 42days time.
- In case of the annual return of companies having the share capital, annual registration fee is HK$105 when delivered within 42days after date of an annual general meeting within 42days after date of a written resolution that is passed with the AGM. Substantially the higher registration fees will be payable if annual return isn’t submitted within prescribed 42days time limit.
Company that fails to file any Annual Returns within prescribed time is in actually breach of Companies ordinance & liable for prosecution.